Sick, Upcoming Events and Plans

Hey guys, hey ho!

Yet, another day, I never expected that I would be ill today, and it was really bad. Last night, my throat was really sore but I still could speak well and had a rehearsal about my speech for tomorrow *which was today* Science class. But the bad thing is, when Science class came, I couldn't speak at all and my voice sounded like a strangled horse :( 

So I decided to get a school permit to go home, but yeah unlucky me, the school's counseling teacher didn't allow me to go back home (but when my girl friend asked the same permit, but due to different reason to visit her future college, she was allowed, man!)

Gosh, it's the same ill again since I was a kid. I had a throat infection again :(
I skipped school today, in case that I needed some time to rest.

My Special Dishes class will be having an event in the late October (or probably to early November) and the event is a javanese wedding. My class has separated the teams into 2 options, which is the service and the kitchen team. It'll be a super though way this time.

But luckily, I have my mom who's really good at this kind of thing, and I'm planning to discuss this with her in the next weekend. But actually, I think tomorrow is the best day, but I couldn't afford to skip English test for tomorrow (too bad :-( )

I'll probably print some of the stage decorations, and teach my friends about the whole procedure. But again, I have a feeling that's telling me, and it's kinda bad. First, my friends need a guy who understands this kind of thing (the javanese wedding) and I can understand this thing because I have my mom on my back. Second, this event needs an MC. And the problem is, few of my friends would probably choose me as an MC, because it's my usual business to have a public speaking. Hm. I might get trapped between a couple choices again, just as how my life always turned out to be.

By the October 3, I'll have my first snack box project in the Culinary Business class. My task right now is really simple, that I have to make a brochure design. This is my first rice box brochure design, that I was inspired by a retro design. And yet, I had no idea about the first snack box design would be like (gosh)

Due to a snack box, I would probably go with a softer color, the menus are: frozen brownies, mac n cheese, macaroni schotel, and a glass of lemon tea.

I guess that's it for a while. Pray for my best luck ^^


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