Moving to Debian Linux

My vanilla Debian 9.0 (Stretch) Gnome Desktop

Hey guys!

Actually, this was not my first time moving to Linux, because I had used one few times during middle January to April 2015, and 2 years before it. Today, I had installed my Debian 9.0 over Linux Mint 18.1 (Serena)

On June 2013, my laptop was broken, and the sad thing was because it was a high end laptop that my mum had bought 4 years before. So, as a break, we bought a low-end old pc one for like 1 million rupiah and the specs weren't that good either. It couldn't even run windows xp well, so that's why I decided to turn the way out. Of course I was frantic because school tasks are over the mountain, but then I found a way out.

I browsed the web by my first android phone, then found out about linux. At first I tried this linux called "Puppy Linux" but then, everything did not go well for me. I also tried Ubuntu, but it was a miserable fail because it was quite resource-heavy. However, I was feeling lucky that I found a derivative that would fit my pc, and it was Lubuntu. Unfortunately, it only lived for 9 months because I installed Lubuntu 13.10, which it was not the long term support one. But then I learned about update and dist-upgrade way, and had my 14.04 LTS.

Shortly after the LTS update, my dad bought me an additional 2 GB ram, so I added this one to my pc. After I had enough with the lxdeied ubuntu, I decided to try Xubuntu. Xubuntu was really good because XFCE was way better than LXDE. Then, this is how my linux and open source life started.

I love linux because it runs fast, boots faster, safe (from virus and malwares), secure, and mostly, free. And.. Getting myself into the linux itself is.. somewhat bittersweet. However, it is all about commitment. If we can't use softwares such as corel, photoshop, and the rest.. Well, there are always the alternatives, right? Or, if you can't really have a hold, then just go with wine, but so far, I never touched wine or anything of it into my linux.

It's a big decision that I finally make myself to try Debian, which is the grand mother of my former os. Somehow, I really want to try even though I was neither Ubuntu or Mint expert. But something always worth a try. I guess, If I could master debian, I think would do Ubuntu or Mint just fine. So far, this new OS does not feel that really different. I have my repositories fixed with contrib and non-free, and got the packages I used to have in Mint.

Now, it's time to get the terminal game to the next level, whooh!


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